WebGL is not enabled!

Emperor's visualization framework is WebGL based, it seems that your system doesn't have this resource available. Here is what you can do:

Chrome: Type "chrome://flags/" into the address bar, then search for "Disable WebGL". Disable this option if you haven't already. Note: If you follow these steps and still don't see an image, go to "chrome://flags/" and then search for "Override software rendering list" and enable this option.

Safari: Open Safari's menu and select Preferences. Click on the advanced tab, and then check "Show Developer" menu. Then open the "Developer" menu and select "Enable WebGL".

Firefox: Go to Options through Firefox > Options or Tools > Options. Go to Advanced, then General. Check "Use hardware acceleration when available" and restart Firefox.

Other browsers: The only browsers that support WebGL are Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Please switch to these browsers when using Emperor.

Note: Once you went through these changes, reload the page and it should work!

Sources: Instructions for Chrome and Safari, and Firefox

Taxa Spheres Color

Biplots Visibility

Samples Label Visibility
Biplots Label Visibility

Axes Labels Color
Axes Color
Background Color
Scale coords by percent explained

Filename (only letters, numbers, ., - and _):

Create legend

For a PNG, simply press 'ctrl+p'.