The following Sample Information Table shows information for up to 10 samples. For projects with more than 10 samples, the Complete Sample Information Table can be accessed by clicking on the first link below the table.
Sample Information Table:
1. SampleID: unique identification code that was assigned to each sample.
2. CustomerLabel: sample name provided for the project and used in analyses.
3. Subgroup Columns: group comparison information, if group comparison information was provided for the project, is displayed in the remaining columns of the table.
4. RawdataFilenames: names of the associated raw sequencing files for each sample (available from the raw data package download).
5. FastQCResults: Read quality results for each sample.
Read Processing Summary Table:
1. SampleID: unique identification code that was assigned to each sample.
2. CustomerLabel: sample name provided for the project and used in analyses.
3. RawReads: number of raw sequences generated for each sample.
SampleID | CustomerLabel | Category1 | RawdataFilenames | FastQCResults |
in1000_7 | Tissue.1 | Tissue | in1000_7_R1.fastq.gz;in1000_7_R2.fastq.gz | Read1;Read2 |
in1000_15 | Tissue.2 | Tissue | in1000_15_R1.fastq.gz;in1000_15_R2.fastq.gz | Read1;Read2 |
in1000_16 | Tissue.3 | Tissue | in1000_16_R1.fastq.gz;in1000_16_R2.fastq.gz | Read1;Read2 |
in1000_19 | Fecal.1 | Fecal | in1000_19_R1.fastq.gz;in1000_19_R2.fastq.gz | Read1;Read2 |
in1000_20 | Fecal.2 | Fecal | in1000_20_R1.fastq.gz;in1000_20_R2.fastq.gz | Read1;Read2 |
in1000_21 | Fecal.3 | Fecal | in1000_21_R1.fastq.gz;in1000_21_R2.fastq.gz | Read1;Read2 |
in1000_23 | Fecal.4 | Fecal | in1000_23_R1.fastq.gz;in1000_23_R2.fastq.gz | Read1;Read2 |
in1000_25 | Fecal.5 | Fecal | in1000_25_R1.fastq.gz;in1000_25_R2.fastq.gz | Read1;Read2 |
in1000_26 | Fecal.6 | Fecal | in1000_26_R1.fastq.gz;in1000_26_R2.fastq.gz | Read1;Read2 |
in1000_28 | Sputum.1 | Sputum | in1000_28_R1.fastq.gz;in1000_28_R2.fastq.gz | Read1;Read2 |
Click on the links below to view the results from each taxonomy analysis:
Taxonomy Abundance Summary
The following composition barplot shows the taxonomy abudance detected in each sample at kingdom level. Any potential host DNA detected in this project can be seen in the plot below.