1 Composition Barplots

Composition barplots illustrate the microbial composition at different taxonomy levels from phylum to strain. The interactive figure below shows the microbial composition at the strain level. Additional composition barplots and abundance tables can be accessed by clicking on the link below the figure.

Microbial Composition Barplots at All Phylogenetic Ranks

2 Taxonomy Heatmaps

The taxonomy abundance heatmap with sample clustering is a quick way to help identify patterns of microbial distribution among samples. Heatmaps at different taxonomic levels and with or without sample clustering can be found by clicking the links below the figure.

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The following heatmap shows the microbial composition of the samples at the strain level with the top 50 strains identified. Each row represents the abundance for each taxon, with the taxonomy ID shown on the right. Each column represents the abundance for each sample, with the sample ID shown at the bottom. If available, group information is indicated by the colored bar located on the top of each column. Hierarchical clustering was performed on samples based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity. Hierarchical clustering was also performed on the taxa so that taxa with similar distributions are grouped together.

Taxonomy Abundance Heatmap with Sample Clustering (Strain)

Heatmaps with Sample Clustering:
Category1 1.Phylum   2.Genus   3.Species   4.Subspecies   5.Serotype   6.Strain   

Heatmaps without Sample Clustering:
Category1 1.Phylum   2.Genus   3.Species   4.Subspecies   5.Serotype   6.Strain   

3 Alpha Diversity

Alpha diversity is a measurement of the microbial diversity of each sample. The plot below shows the number of observed strains in the samples. For analyses without group comparison, a histogram of observed species in each sample is shown. For analyses with group comparison, a box-and-whisker plot of observed species in each group is shown. Alpha diversity graphs generated by other matrices can be found by clicking the last link

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Normally, with deeper sequencing depth, the alpha diversity increases as more taxa at lower abundance are identified. Alpha diversity rarefraction graphs generated by other matrices can be found by clicking the link given below the figure.

Alpha Diversity Results: 1.Superkingdom   2.Phylum   3.Genus   4.Species   5.Subspecies   6.Serotype   7.Strain